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Work Experience

  • Developer Advocate @ Spacelift (January 2023 - Present)

    • Wrote technical content
    • Developed several Terraform cheatsheets
    • Prepared Terraform/OpenTofu/Kubernetes/Ansible/CloudFormation code examples for different use cases inside of Spacelift
    • Built reusable rego policies examples
    • Worked closely within the marketing team for ad copies, article reviews, and different analysis
    • Developed and improved landing pages
    • Provided feedback to product teams based on community input
    • Demonstrated and promoted new features
    • Engaged with developers on social media and forums
    • Provided input on UI/UX
    • Contributed to the OpenTofu initiative
    • Participated in conferences - KubeCon, AWS Summits, AWS Re:Invent
  • DevOps Lead @ Capgemini Engineering (Jul 2022 - Jan 2023)

    • Led the ArgoCD PoC initiative (Architecture & SSO | Vault | Ingress integrations)
    • Built reusable helm charts
    • Worked on Azure DevOps Pipelines
    • Developed reusable Terraform Modules for Azure
    • Scripting: Python, Bash, Powershell
  • Cloud Engineer Lead @ Massmutual (Feb 2022 - Jul 2022)

    • Leading a team of four engineers spread out in Romania / USA / India, being involved in allocating tasks, code review, coaching and mentoring
    • Led the Terraform Cloud environment implementation for our organisation (Sentinel Policies, Run Tasks, Private Registry, Teams, etc)
    • Led the Service Modules initiative (set up priorities, build reusable Terraform service modules for AWS, create auto-tag pipeline that publishes versions in both Github and in Confluence)
    • Participated in Technical Interviews for our teams in US and Romania
    • Created CI/CD pipeline using Github Actions for Terraform Cloud Workspace Creation (Pre-Commit Checks, Snyk Scans, Code Deployment)
    • Developed Python scripts for reusable tasks (docker images vulnerability fixes, github & confluence integration, lambda functions)
    • Worked on a CI/CD pipeline in Github Actions for building Docker Images
    • Integrated AWS accounts with Apptio Cloudability using Step Functions
  • Cloud Engineer Lead @ Oracle (Nov 2017 - Feb 2022)

    • Main contributor to the OCI Adoption Framework Thunder (modular, generic and reusable Terraform framework with examples for Always Free / Free Tier / Enterprise Tier / Landing Zones)
    • Developed Python / Go / Javascript / Bash / Powershell automations for different use cases (Backup/Restore, GeoReplicated GlusterFS, Serverless automations)
    • Worked with Kubernetes (Deployed and configured clusters, Developed CRDs)
    • Built different pipeline examples for Github / Gitlab
    • Built custom images with Packer
    • Coordinated technical activities inside the team (assigned / helped / prepared team members)
    • Prepared Hands on Labs and Workshops for internal and external use
    • Worked on technical blog posts
    • Held Technical Interviews for the entire organisation
  • DevOps Engineer @ InCrys (Jun 2015 - Nov 2017)

    • Worked in an Agile Environment with two week sprints and daily scrum meetings.
    • Developed and improved Chef cookbooks.
    • Used best practices for Chef coding and resolved all problems related to Rubocop and Foodcritic for our cookbooks.
    • Tested code with tools such as Test Kitchen and implemented unit and functional tests using ChefSpec and ServerSpec for Jenkins integration.
    • Used Git for version control and ZenHub for tracking and planning.
    • Developed automation and deployment utilities using Python, Ruby and Bash.